One of the worse things that can happen to drivers is when their favorite car won’t start. You try to turn the ignition key again, but still nothing happens. Usually this immediately leads to panic, although in fact there is no reason to panic. Your car is intact, and there can be a lot of reasons for a breakdown, and some of them are not as scary as they might seem, and you can fix everything even on the spot.
Dead Battery
For many drivers, even the most experienced, when they cannot start the car, there is an immediate feeling of confusion that makes them unable to think clearly. Many of them forget that very often the problem lies in a very simple detail – their battery is dead. This problem is very common, because it is very easy to forget to charge the battery, and the load on this part is constantly placed really high. It is important to understand that the battery is the main source of energy in the vehicle when it is not running. The generator begins to provide energy for the system only after the entire system begins to fully operate.

At the same time, it is obvious that it is the problems with the battery that are the simplest. But if you are sure that your battery is charged, but the car does not start, then you should do a few more checks. First of all, you need to make sure that the battery is connected to the starter. Without this, energy will not be supplied, which means that the car will not start again. In addition, in conditions of constant operation, dirt constantly gets under the hood, due to which the electrical contact may deteriorate. Regularly clean the connection points of the battery and starter wires, this will help you avoid unnecessary hassle and problems in the future.
The saddest option is that the battery is completely out of order. This also happens. You should always remember that the battery is actually a consumable item, albeit with a long service life. Constant drops in electrical energy destroy its structure, because of which it begins to hold energy much worse. This will begin to manifest itself in the fact that you are forced to charge the battery more and more often, while it will be discharged much faster than usual. In this case, you really have to think about replacing, there can be no other options in such a situation.
Electrical Problems
After you have checked the battery and starter, you need to inspect the entire car in more detail, and first of all, you should check the electrical components of the car. Check your car’s fuses. If your car has a fuse for the starting system, then it is very important to check that as well. But the problems may not be so obvious, so it is recommended to check all other fuses. The thing is that your car is a complex system where all the parts are interconnected, so the failure of some elements can lead to serious problems. Pay attention to the dashboard. When you turn the ignition key, all warning lights should light up from below. If they still do not light up, then this indicates a malfunction of the ignition switch. If you have checked that your starter really spins at startup and everything is in order, then the problem is not hidden in the starter. Other items need to be checked.

For example, look at spark plugs. There are 4 of them in most cases, and they are responsible for supplying a spark to the fuel compartment. As a result, the fuel detonates, causing the machine to start running. There are many different reasons why spark plugs do not work, then the fuel simply does not light up. For example, spark plugs may not receive power, it may be damaged. In some cases, it may be flooded with liquid, due to which it will not work correctly.
Separately, you need to check the coil. However, it will not be possible to externally assess its condition, you need to use a special multimeter that measures the impedance. If you do not have such equipment, then you will have to contact specialists who will help you deal with a similar problem.
Fuel System
Next you need to check the fuel system. This is another essential component that supplies fuel to the engine, on which the car runs. Most often, the breakdown is associated with a fuel pump, which for some reason does not supply fuel. It is also recommended to check the fuel filter. Over time, it gets dirty, which is why the car will also not work correctly. However, most often this problem is difficult to diagnose on your own.
If everything is in order with the fuel pump, then you should check the fuel filter. This is a consumable component that must be replaced otherwise the car will not work.
Thus, there are a fairly large number of reasons why the car may not start, but you should not immediately think about some global problems. It is likely that the problem lies in something that you can fix yourself. It is enough just to carefully check the main nodes.

Starter Problems
Another common cause of problems with the car, due to which it will not start. The starter, like any other equipment in the car, gradually fails under constant loads. Note that you can detect a problem with the starter in advance, even before the car completely stops starting. A clear sign is the fact that the car began to start longer than before. When you turn the key in the ignition, you will hear the starter start to work. If you began to notice differences in this process compared to what it was before, then this indicates a clear need to check the starter.
Starter Cable
Another fairly common reason your car won’t start is power cable problems. This is the thickest cable in your vehicle as it carries the most current. Because of this, it is prone to rapid failure and contamination at the points of contact with the equipment. One end is attached to the battery, and the other to the starter. Remove this cable and clean each end, as it is quite possible that it is in the dirt, due to which the contact has deteriorated. This is a pretty good reason for a car not to start. If you have already removed the cables, then at the same time do not be too lazy to clean the terminals to which these cables are attached.
Other Reasons
If you have looked at the three reasons above, but the car still does not start, then do not rush to panic. We have checked only the simplest and most common causes of the problem, but there are still a lot of them. If you hear your engine cranking over but won’t start, then in this case you will have to check a large number of components, from distributors to the fuel filter. It also does not hurt to check the spark plugs and all connected cables. With a high probability, if the problem really lies in the engine, then you will have to give the car for a professional check. They will be able to quickly diagnose and fix the problem. But if you like to fix the car yourself, then you may well try to deal with the problem. It just might take a little longer.